Co-Dependents Anonymous The Netherlands - Flanders

Service bij CoDA
What do we mean by service?
By service we mean the tasks that keep the meetings and organization running. CoDA is run by volunteer members.
What service positions are there at a meeting? ​​
A GSR, someone who communicates with CoDA intergroup on behalf of the meeting.
Online: A Host who opens the online space.
A chairman, someone who guides the meeting based on a format.
A treasurer, who manages the 7th tradition.
A literature person who manages the purchase/sale of CoDA literature.
A contact person who shares information about the meeting.
A greeter, who receives newcomers.
A set-up person, someone who prepares the room for the meeting. Or share the reading cards on the screen online.
A coffee person, who makes the coffee if applicable. ​ ​​
Why is service good for your recovery?
When we do service, we give back what we receive. This way, CoDA can continue to exist and we can continue to recover. Without service there are no CoDA members. ​​ Within service positions we can learn to deal with our co-dependency. We learn to bear responsibilities in a healthy way, we learn to work together and ensure healthy boundaries. We practice using traditions, practice ground for daily life outside CoDA. ​ By providing service within CoDA, a member maintains a bond with the program, which helps to remain anchored in recovery. ​ Doing service within CoDA is completely voluntary. If you also want to provide service, join a business meeting.
Service positions at intergroup CoDA Netherlands - Flanders
call: Wanted Service member(s) Translation Committee
Translation committee tasks:
Translating and editing CoDA literature, coordinating.
Communication towards the intergroup regarding consultation regarding print runs, prices, etc.
Maintaining contact with the printer, requesting quotes and orders.
Maintain contact with the Translation Management Committee (TMC) to request necessary contracts.
Maintain contact with CoDA literature person about stock and annual sales.
Are you interested? email: coda.nederland.vlaanderen@gmail.com
Description of service positions at Intergroup
Literature person
Translation Committee